Monday, December 10, 2012

100th post - Apologies to Brent Anderson

In honor of the 100th blog post on The Unpublished X-Men, I would like to take a moment to thank all the viewers who have made this blog a success.  I'm glad to see so many people share an interest in the behind-the-scenes rarities that have I have gathered here.  I would also like to take a moment to present the original art I used for the banner image at the top of the blog.  Here is the original cover to The Marvel Comics Index by Brent Anderson.  Unfortunately, I had to make some changes to the original art to make it fit into a banner.  Nightcrawler and the logo have been moved down, and the Angel's wings were much too big to fit into the image without some tucking and folding.  The red X was removed, and the original X-Men were resized.

In addition, I had the good fortune to purchase a printer's proof of the original black and white lineart a few years back, and I am presenting it here for the first time.  Right click on the images to view them with more detail.
Once again, thanks for coming back to visit time and again, rest assured that I have many more rarely seen works of art in store for the next 100 posts! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats and thanks for the images! Here's to another 100, and another....
