When Marvel decided to launch a revamped X-Men in the 1970's, there were many characters and ideas that didn't make the final cut.
Originally, Dave Cockrum brought in a set of characters he had intended to use in a Legion of Superheroes spinoff, called The Outsiders. Nightcrawler was a character he created years earlier, whose personality was very different from what was portrayed in the X-Men.
Typhoon could control the weather:
And Black Cat was a character created specifically for the X-Men, to be a shapeshifter.
Eventually, Black Cat's hair was changed and she was given Typhoon's powers, and Storm was born!

Vampyre was a character idea that was dropped because he was too similar to Nightcrawler.
Thunderbird and Marvel Girl went through some costume changes before their final looks were decided.
Another group created by Dave Cockrum for use in the Legion, the Strangers included a character called Wolverine, and early versions of Raza and Liandra from the Starjammers.
The character he called Wolverine was later introduced into the Imperial Guard and called Fang.
On a side note, in his last issue, Dave Cockrum gave Wolverine Fang's costume, with the intent that it would be his new uniform. He is shown here with fellow Guard member Oracle.
This has been an astounding exercise in What-Iffery! Just imagine if any or all of these characters had been
assembled into an alternate team of X-Men! Also, check back all week as Dave Cockrum Week shall continue!